Olesia O. Zavarzina
Associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, ph.d., associate professor
Link on external publications: ResearchGate.
List of selected publications
Kadets V., Zavarzina O. Generalized-lush spaces revisited // Annals of Functional Analysis, 2020. Vol. 11, is. 2. P. 244-258,
Angosto C., Kadets V., Zavarzina O. Non-expansive bijections, uniformities and polyhedral faces // Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2019. Vol. 471. P. 38-52,
Kadets V., Zavarzina O. Plasticity of the unit ball of l_1 // Visnyk of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University Ser. “Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016. Vol. 83. P. 4-9,
Kadets V., Zavarzina O. Non-expansive bijections to the unit ball of l_1-sum of strictly convex Banach spaces // Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2018. Vol. 97, no. 2. P. 285-292,
Zavarzina O. Non-expansive bijections between unit balls of Banach spaces // Annals of Functional Analysis, 2018. Vol. 9, is. 2. P. 271-281,
Zavarzina O. Linear expand-contract plasticity of ellipsoids in separable Hilbert spaces // Matematychni Studii., 2019. Vol. 51, is. 1. P. 86–91,