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​Department of Pure Mathematics opens the admission to the scientific-educational Master's program "Pure Mathematics" with English language of instruction

1 March 2020

Department of Pure Mathematics opens the admission to the
scientific-educational Master's program "Pure Mathematics" with English language of instruction

Educational Program  


For further information please contact 
The Head of the Department Alexander Yampolsky (P.: 707-55-27)

City Geometry Seminar

2 March 2020

Тopic: “On degenerate Bianchi transformation for three-dimensional pseudospheric submanifolds in
IR 5.”

prof. V. Gorkavyy

03.02.2020 at 15-20, in the auditorium 6-49 

City Geometry Seminar

20 February 2020

Topic: “On degenerate Bianchi transformation for three-dimensional pseudospheric submanifolds
in IR 5.”

prof. V. Gorkavyy

02.24.2020 at 15-20, in the auditorium 6-49 

City Geometry Seminar

17 February 2020

Topic: “Simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in spherical space”

D. Sukhorebskaya (in collaboration with A.A. Borisenko)

02.17.2020 at 15-20, in the auditorium 6-49 

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

6 March 2017

The next meeting of the Kharkiv Geometric Seminar (Head – Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Borisenko) will be held on Monday, 13.03.2017

Will the report of the M. Grechneva (Zaporizhzhya National University) «Differential geometry of surfaces of Minkowski space and its Grassmann image».

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

7 February 2017

The next meeting of the Kharkiv Geometric Seminar (Head – Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Borisenko) will be held on Monday, 13.02.2017.

Will the report of the B. Feshenko (Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev) «Deformation of smooth functions on a 2-torus».

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

7 November 2016

     The next meeting of the Kharkiv Geometric Seminar (Head - Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Borisenko) will be held on Monday, 07.11.16.

      Will the report of the professor D. Bolotov «Layer analogue of Milnor's conjecture»

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

27 October 2016

           The next meeting of the Kharkiv Geometric Seminar (Head - Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Borisenko) will be held on Monday, 31.10.16.

           Will the report of the professor D. Bolotov «Layer analogue of Milnor's conjecture»

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

25 April 2016

On Monday, 25.04.2016, Kostiantyn Drach (Karazin University) will give a talk "Curvature flows of hypersurfaces in central force fields" (second part) (overview talk based on the paper O. Schnurer, K. Smoczyk, Evolution of hypersurfaces in central force fields).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

18 April 2016

On Monday, 18.04.2016, Kostiantyn Drach (Karazin University) will give a talk "Curvature flows of hypersurfaces in central force fields" (overview talk based on the paper O. Schnurer, K. Smoczyk, Evolution of hypersurfaces in central force fields).

IV International Conference "Analysis and Mathematical Physics"

13 June 2016

The Mathematical Division of the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (Kharkiv, Ukraine) is organizing the IV International Conference "Analysis and Mathematical Physics", to be held at the ILTPE June 13-17, 2016.

Conference "Modern Advances in Geometry and Topology"

12 September 2016

The international conference Modern advances in geometry and topology will be held in Karazin University in honor of professor Alexander A. Borisenko to emphasize his diverse contribution to geometry and to celebrate his 70th birthday.

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

11 April 2016

On Monday, 11.04.2016, Ihor Potapenko (Odessa National University) will give a talk "Infinitisimal deformations of surfaces with a fixed variation of Riemannian connection" (read the abstract, ukr).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

4 April 2016

The next meeting of the Kharkiv Geometric Seminar (Head - Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. A. Borisenko) will be held on Monday, 04/04/16.

The talk will be given by I.U. Vlasenko (Institute of Mathematics of NASU) "Dynamics of internal maps" (read the abstract).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

28 March 2016

On Monday, 28.03.2016, Olena Shugailo (Karazin University) will give a talk "Affine curvature of flat geodesics on affine hypersurfaces" (read the abstract).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

11 March 2016

On Monday, 14.03.2016, Babenko V.I. (FTINT) will give a talk "Estimates of the Gaussian curvature is strictly convex surface, depending on its integral parameters".

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

1 February 2016

On Monday, 01. 02. 2016 , Drach K.D.  will give a talk "Extreme bounds for complete hypersurfaces in Riemannian spaces" (following the habilitation thesis (candidate of sciences) in geometry and topology).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

30 November 2015

On Monday, 30.11.2015, Gurin A.M.  will give a talk "Alexandrov 's theorem of existence of a polyhedron with a given development".

Kharkiv Mathematical Society

23 November 2015

We invite everyone to the meeting of the Kharkiv Mathematical Society! On Monday, 23. 11. 2015, professor M. Zarichnyi (Ivan Franco State University of Lviv) will give a talk "Asymptotic properties of spaces and groups".

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

23 November 2015

On Monday, 23. 11. 2015,  Petrov E. V.  will give a talk "Generalization of the notion of curvature in sub-Riemannian geometry".

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

9 November 2015

On Monday, 09.11.15, Aminov U.A. (ILTPE) will give a talk "Stable and unstable minimal surfaces and the problem of Hopf".

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

1 October 2015

On Thursday, 01.10.15, Dmytro V. Bolotov (ILTPE) will give a talk "The role of the fundamental group in some questions of Riemannian geometry" (following the habilitation thesis (doctor of sciences) in geometry and topology).

Informal meeting with the students specializing in geometry

25 September 2015

On Friday, September 25, 3 PM, will be a meeting with the 3rd year students specializing in geometry with the departmental faculty.

Olympiad in mathematics for students of 11 classes

17 March 2015

On March 22, 2015 School of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University holds the Olympiad in mathematics for students of 11th classes.

Beginning at 11:00 am, aud. 6-52 (Main Building).

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

1 December 2014

On Monday, 2.12.14, Olena O. Shugailo will give a talk "Umbilical and centroaffine hypersurfaces. The generalization to the multidimensional case".

The abstract of the talk is available here.

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

17 November 2014

On Monday, 17.11.14, Oleksiy M. Gurin will a talk "Stoker's Theorem for Delaunay graphs".

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

10 November 2014

On Monday, 10.11.14, Olena O. Shugailo will continue her talk "The structure of submanifolds in affine space with a degenerate affine fundamental form" (based on a PhD thesis).

The abstract of the talk is available here.

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

3 November 2014

On Monday, 03.11.14, Olena O. Shugailo will give a talk "The structure of submanifolds in affine space with a degenerate affine fundamental form" (based on a PhD thesis).

The abstract of the talk is available here.

Kharkiv Geometric Seminar

20 October 2014

On Monday, 13.10.14, V.Gorkaviy will give a talk "Barker - Larman's problem and its generalizations"