
Vladimir . DubovoyVladimir . Dubovoy Vladimir . Dubovoy Full professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Sergey  . FavorovSergey  . Favorov Sergey . Favorov Full professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Sergey . GefterSergey . Gefter Sergey . Gefter Associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, head of the department of pure mathematics, phd in mathematics

Vyacheslav . GordevskyyVyacheslav . Gordevskyy Vyacheslav . Gordevskyy Full professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Vladimir (Volodymyr) M. KadetsVladimir (Volodymyr) M. Kadets Vladimir (Volodymyr) M. Kadets Full professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Mariya . ShcherbinaMariya . Shcherbina Mariya . Shcherbina Professor of the department of pure mathematics

Dmitry . ShepelskyDmitry . Shepelsky Dmitry . Shepelsky Doctor of sciences in mathematics

Alexander L. YampolskyAlexander L. Yampolsky Alexander L. Yampolsky Professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Vasyl O. GorkavyyVasyl O. Gorkavyy Vasyl O. Gorkavyy Doctor of sciences in mathematics, associate professor

Alexander V. RezounenkoAlexander V. Rezounenko Alexander V. Rezounenko Professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Anna M. VishnyakovaAnna M. Vishnyakova Anna M. Vishnyakova Professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics

Tamara . FastovskaTamara . Fastovska Tamara . Fastovska Associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, phd in mathematics, associate professor

Nataliуa . GiryaNataliуa . Girya Nataliуa . Girya Associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, phd in mathematics

Eugene . KarolinskyEugene . Karolinsky Eugene . Karolinsky Associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, phd in mathematics

Eugene V. PetrovEugene V. Petrov Eugene V. Petrov Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Dmytro . SeliutinDmytro . Seliutin Dmytro . Seliutin Ph.d.

Aleksey . ShcherbinaAleksey . Shcherbina Aleksey . Shcherbina Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olena O. ShugailoOlena O. Shugailo Olena O. Shugailo Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olesia O. ZavarzinaOlesia O. Zavarzina Olesia O. Zavarzina Ph.d., associate professor of the department of pure mathematics, associate professor

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Viktoria V. DavydovaViktoria V. Davydova Viktoria V. Davydova Engineer

Anna . GoncharukAnna . Goncharuk Anna . Goncharuk

Iryna V. KatsIryna V. Kats Iryna V. Kats Leading engineer

The History of the Department

In 2015, when the Department of Pure Mathematics was established, it consisted of the members of the former Department of Geometry, Department of Mathematical Analysis, Department of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics, Department of Function Theory and Functional Analysis.

The Department of Geometry in Kharkiv University was founded in 1921.

The first head of the Department from 1921 till 1946 was an academician D. M. Sentsov (1867-1946).


In 1946, professor Ya. P. Blank (1903-1988) became the head of the Department. He executed this duty form 1946 till 1950 and from 1959 till 1980.


From 1950 till 1959, the Department was by an academician O. V. Pogorelov (1919 - 2002)


From 1980 till 2012 the head of the Department of Geometrywas aprofessor, a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, O. A. Borysenko.


From 2012 till 2015,the head of the Department was associate professor A. L. Yampolsky.


The following members of the faculty of the contemporary Department of Pure Mathematics worked in the former Department of Geometry: A. L. YampolskyV. O. GorkavyyD. V. BolotovE. V. PetrovO. O. Shugailo.

Detailed information on the development of geometry in Kharkiv University can be found in the article of O. A. Borysenko http://geometry.karazin.ua/about.html

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Department of Mathematical Analysis was founded in 1921. During 94 years of its history the heads of Department were 

C. K. Rusian (from 1921 till 1928), 

M. N. Marchevsky (from 1928 till 1941),

G. Drinfeld (from 1944 till 1962)


B. Ya. Levin (from 1963 till 1972)


I. E. Lutsenko (from 1972 till 1975)


V. P. Petrenko (from 1975 till 1983)


V. M. Borok (from 1983 till 1994)


G. M. Sklyar (from 1994 till 1999)


A. F. Grishin (from 1999 till 2004)


V. D. Gordevskyy (from 2005 till 2015)


At different times in the Department of Mathematical Analysis worked:  I. I. Antipko,  S. S. Boyko,  G. A. Bessonov,  N. A. Galkina,  L. V. Kudina,  I. G. Kudintseva,  G. P. Serdyuk,  V. S. Derkach,  I. I. Marchenko,  O. A. Makarov,  A. V. Rezounenko,  V. S. Ryzhy,  O. I. Tarapova,  L. V. Fardigola,  I. G. Nikolenko,  I. V. Poedintseva,  N. N. Chornovol and others.

The following members of the faculty of the contemporary Department of Pure Mathematics worked in the former Department of Mathematical Analysis: V. Dubovoy,  S. Gefter,  V. Gordevskyy,  A. V. Rezounenko

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The Department of Mathematical Physics was founded in the 50th of the XX century as a part of the School of Physics and Mathematics, Kharkiv State University after the closure of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. Its first head was A. Ya. Povzner


After A. Ya. Povzner moved to Moscow in 1960, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR N. I. Akhiezer became the head of the Department.


In 1974, the head of the Department became prof. V.A.Shcherbina


In 1986, the Department was renamed to "Department of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics".

The head of the Department in 2000-2015 was prof. I. D. Chueshov, who was elected as a corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2009.


At different times in the Department of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics worked such well-known mathematicians as academicians  V. A. Marchenko,  L. A. Pastur,  E. Ya. Khruslov, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences M. V. Shcherbina, prof. M. S. Livshits, I. Yu. Chudinovich, Yu. V. Gandel, and others.

The followingmembers of the faculty of the contemporary Department of Pure Mathematics worked in the former Department of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics: I. RyzhkovaT. Fastovska and A. Shcherbina.

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The idea of establishing Function Theory Department goes back to its first head N. I. Akhiezer (from 1933 till 1941)


When after the World War 2 the Department was re-established, its heads were A. Ya. Povzner (from 1947 till 1955)


N. I. Akhiezer (from 1955 till 1961)


B. Ya. Levin (from 1961 till 1963)


and I. V. Ostrovskii (from 1963 till 1986)


In 1986 the Function theory department together with Algebra and Mathematical Logics Department formed a common Department of Function Theory and Functional Analysis. It was headed by

Yu. I. Lyubich (from 1986 till 1989)


I. V. Ostrovskii (from 1990 till 1994)


and S. Yu. Favorov (from 1994 till 2015)


At different times at the Department of Function Theory worked:

L. I. Ronkin,  V. E. Katsnelson,  V. D. Golovin,  G. P. Chistyakov,  V. G. Tairova,  L. I. Bezuglaya,  O. M. Katkova, V. M. Kaluzhnyi,  L. F. Kovtun,  A. A. Krapivin,  L. P. Kuchko.

The followingmembers of the faculty of the contemporary Department of Pure Mathematics worked in the former Department of Function Theory and Functional Analysis:

A. VishnyakovaN. Girya, A. Iljinsky, I. IljinskayaV. M. Kadets, E. KarolinskyS. Favorov.

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A detailed introduction to the history of the Department before the reorganization can be found in the following book by O.I.Ryzhy devoted to the history of the School of Mechanics and Mathematics at our University (in Russian):
