Vladimir . Dubovoy
Full professor of the department of pure mathematics, doctor of sciences in mathematics
Graduated from Kharkiv State University and graduated from KSU under the scientific supervision of prof. M.S. Livshits.
Defended the PhD thesis in 1972.
Defended the Doctor of Sciences thesis in 2004.
Worked in the Departments of Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Analysis, headed the Department of Higher Mathematics of the School of Physics.
The scientific interests are related to the theory of matrix interpolation problems of analysis, the solution of the Schur matrix problem, the study of scattering by the internal channels of an open system, and the study of the phenomenon of pseudorandom Shur function.
Author of more than 50 scientific papers.
Was the scientific supervisor of Ph.D. theses by L.A. Halstyan (jointly with VP Potapov), S.N. Zinenko, Ramadan K. Mohammed, S.S. Boyko.